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About NCSC

NCSC is a collection of information and resources for people to find sports opportunities  locally.

I am a mom who has spent decades following my kids around their sporting events.  In that time I have worn many hats. I have been the obnoxious mom in the stands cheering on the team, the cheer teams love me because I actually participate in their cheers with them and I am always in team colors! I have been a coach, a driver, a team mom, a board member, an educator, an organizer, and done extensive marketing campaigns for sports organizations.  From all of this experience, I have a ton of information running around my brain that I think could be helpful to others if it was accessible in one place. I have organized information by youth, adult, and area.  Mostly there are links to an organization's site. There are opportunities to submit more information on our store page.  I hope it works for many!

Volleyball Game
Working From Home
Colleagues Working in Office
Organized Desk
White File Folders
Reviewing CVs
Typing on Computer
Business Meeting
Filling Out a Form
Job Interview
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